How long does it take ?

Our nearest supermercato and adjacent garage is a mere drive of 7km and, since there is no cars, no traffic lights and only one road junction a round trip allowing 30 minutes shopping (no check-out queues), 15 minutes for a chat and probably a dolce at the garage (lovely bar and cakes!) should at the outside take an hour and a half. So, why did it take me four hours yesterday???

Well, it was one of those misty mornings when it feels like we are in one world on top of our mountain and everyone 'down there' in another, like a film I saw last year in Singapore 'Upside Down'. Some days it is us shrouded in mist. Sometimes like yesterday we have bright sunshine but when we look down everything is white. Obviously some photographs needed to be taken !


Then, on arriving at Passignano it would have been such a waste of a gorgeous morning not to take a walk along the front by which time of course, I was desperate for the loo and that meant buying a coffee and another half hour pleasurably spent.



On the walk back to the car I happened upon the entrance to this lovely street which needed some exploration.




Then a little nearer I saw a fisherman mending and drying his nets so stopped to watch and take a few photos.


I got there in the end!


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